Academic Program
Americana Chinese International School (ACIS) is committed to providing a comprehensive academic program that prepares students to become well-rounded global citizens. We embrace educational innovation by implementing the American Education Reaches Out (AERO) initiative, supported by the U.S. State Department's Office of Overseas Schools and the Overseas Schools Advisory Council. The curriculum centers around the American Common Core Plus Standards. It aims to bring consistency and excellence to instruction by providing a comprehensive framework for curriculum consistency across all grades.
At ACIS, we believe in nurturing the whole student, focusing on academics, language proficiency and character development. With Western, qualified teachers leading the instruction, our students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them to excel in a global community.
Our ultimate goal is to produce students who SPARK inspiration. We aim to empower our Phoenix Flames to excel academically and develop the confidence, leadership skills, and strong moral character. As our students progress through our rigorous academic program, we strive to equip them with the tools they need to succeed in various fields, from business to technology, and to become future leaders in an ever-changing world.

Core Subjects & Specials
In addition to the core subjects of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Health, our students explore a wide range of other subjects, including STEM, Physical Education, Computer Technology, Robotics, Art, Music, and Gardening & Environmental Studies. These specialized classes foster creativity, critical thinking, and practical skills, enabling our students to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Language Acquisition
What sets ACIS apart is our commitment to multilingual education. Our students benefit from daily Thai and Chinese language classes, where they are placed into appropriate language levels based on their proficiency. This immersive experience not only enhances their linguistic abilities in reading, writing, speaking, and listening but also instills a deep appreciation for the cultural richness of these languages.

Self-directed learners who
● Acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.
● Find appropriate solutions as an individual or in collaboration with others.
● Demonstrate effective listening skills by responding to questions, participating in discussions, and following instructions.
Projected-based learners who
● Think, speak, and write clearly in English and Chinese.
● Identify and solve problems by applying critical thinking skills and mathematical reasoning.
● Connect classroom learning to its applications in the outside world.
Active learners who
● Access, analyze, synthesize, and apply information to solve problems, express insights, and present ideas accurately and creatively.
● Actively pursue knowledge through a variety of resources incorporating the use of technology.
● Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information.
Responsible and independent citizens who
● Exhibit personal and academic integrity.
● Embrace and celebrate diversity.
● Show honesty, ethics, and responsibility towards themselves and others.
Knowledgeable learners and problem solvers who
● Use effective questioning and reflection to advance and evaluate learning.
● Exercise sound reasoning and understanding to analyze problems and reach solutions.
● Demonstrate a commitment to learning as a life-long process.