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Unlocking STEM Adventures: ACIS STEM Plus Summer Camp

Just a friendly reminder that the ACIS STEM Plus Summer Camp kicks off in a month! Check out the exciting lineup of activities:

Unlocking STEM Adventures: ACIS STEM Plus Summer Camp

Week 1 & 2: July 1–12 | STEM Occupation

  • ENGLISH: Reading, Writing & STEM for English Mastery

  • MATH: Puzzles, Shapes, Spatial Thinking; Geometry: Mastering 3D Thinking

  • CHINESE: Exploring STEM Vocabulary in Chinese, Innovative STEM Projects in China

  • PE: Team Sports, Team Building, Swimming

  • ART: From Concept to Showcase: Design, Create, Display), Exploring Art & Functionality

Week 3 & 4: July 15–26 | STEM in Nature

  • ENGLISH: English and STEM in Nature, Creative Writing: Acrostic Poems

  • MATH: Deciphering Nature's Structure, Understanding How Numbers Work

  • CHINESE: Nature's Vocabulary in Chinese, Nature's Creatures: Animals & Environment

  • PE: Team Sports, Team Building, Swimming

  • ART: Balance & Beauty: Symmetry in Nature, The Art of Hues: How Colors Work

Ready to sign up? Fill in the Google Form to reserve your child's spot: For more information, contact us at 052-135 069 or email

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