Message From Our Founders

Dear Students, Parents, and Educators,
We hope this message finds you all in high spirits and good health. We want to take a moment to share the incredible journey we've been on together at the Americana Chinese International School.
Our passion for education sparked the idea for this outstanding institution, a place where dreams could find wings and students could shine bright like stars. It's been an incredible 30+ years since we set foot on this path, and with every passing day, we feel more blessed to be a part of this inspiring community.
From the beginning, we envisioned more than just a school; we wanted to create a supportive family where every student is encouraged to discover their true potential. Our curriculum challenges minds, fosters creativity and empowers you to become exceptional students and individuals.
As founders, our hearts swell with pride when we see the progress and achievements of each student. It's a testament to the power of education and the incredible spirit of this community.
So, let's continue this exciting journey, embracing every challenge and celebrating every success. Together, we'll keep inspiring, creating, and making a difference—one student at a time.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Amporn & Chugait Garmolgomut
School Founders